Monday, June 21, 2010

Day 1!!!!

I am doing 5 weeks of Medifast, and today is day one! I am really excited to see how it goes, and plan to blog about my experience (1. so that friends, family, and anyone who wants to lose some pounds and/or has considered Medifast will know what its like from someone they trust, and 2. to keep me accountable!!!)

I'm not sure exactly how Medifast officially describes themself, but to me its an extreme diet progam that will take all the thinking and preparing out of healthy eating and help me build healthy habits like eating smaller portions, and not freaking out and binge eating after having one brownie! They send you your food, kinda like Nutri System, except its not weird tv dinner style meals, it's shakes, and bars, and puddings, hot cocoa, etc...easy things you can take with you and eat anywhere (I'm really excited about that part!). It is a very reduced calorie program, and they do not advocate heavy excercise while you are doing phase one. It is not something you should do for life either I don't think, BUT sometimes it takes a spurt of something extreme to get you past a hump in the road!

I'm doing it because I just started my full time job, and the real world is just plain exhausting! I have been too tired the last few weeks to go to the gym in the evening, and when I get home I feel like I have worked very hard and deserve to watch tv and eat whatever I want (plus, getting a hot and ready on the way home is just so easy!). I am quickly realizing why so much of the population has such a difficult time maintaining a healthy weight. Yes, I do work hard during the day, but unfortunately, my office job does not burn more than a handful of calories, so vegging on the couch and eating pizza as my reward could become dangerous fast! SO, I think Medifast will be a great program to keep me healthy, and help me drop a few pounds to keep me motivated, while I adjust to my new lifestyle.

I am extremely pumped right now!!!...but I have yet to complete even 1 full day, so I'll let you know how it goes! (so far I've had peach oatmeal and a swiss mocha shake and they were pretty good!)


  1. That sounds crazy hard Katie, but I've got faith in you. If you can whoop my butt in the halfy and then run a full a few months later I know you've got this!

  2. Ok I'm dieing to hear how the last 3 days have been going!! I am starting next week not sure on what date it's going to get here yet :-)
